Home Press Press Releases Student's freedom of speech suppressed
Student's freedom of speech suppressed |
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 12 June 2021 |
June 12th, 2007
Wawota SK - This morning at 11:05AM, high school students at the Wawota Parkland School will abandon classes and walk out of school to protest the suppression of a student's freedom of speech.
Kieran King, an individual who does not use marijuana and has offered to submit to a voluntary drug test to prove this fact, was threatened with unknown police action as a result of his expressing his opinions concerning marijuana while in school. Kieran spoke often to peers on his own research concerning marijuana and his opinion that it should be legal. Kieran had also mentioned data and statistics that make a case for marijuana being a safer substance for consumption than alcohol. Upon learning of Kieran's choice to speak to other students about this, principle Susan Wilson placed a call to Kieran's parents and in no uncertain terms accused Kieran of using and selling marijuana at school. Susan Wilson was and is not currently able to present any evidence to substantiate these claims. Susan Wilson proceeded to tell Kieran's mother that if he were to continue speaking about marijuana in school, she would call the police. Mrs. Wilson in another phone call later said that Kieran could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Kieran's freedom of speech was suppressed by Mrs. Wilson who went so far as to threaten Kieran with police action simply for doing what all great Canadians seek to do, enter the great national debate which keeps our democracy alive. Senator Larry Campbell has written a letter of support and locals in Saskatchewan along with the Saskatchewan Marijuana Party have promised to gather together to stand in solidarity with students as they demand that the Wawota Parkland school deal with this situation without resorting to threats, intimidation and the violation of student's rights.
Kieran King is an honour roll student who will be leaving shortly to China in order to engage in private tutoring abroad. He has appealed to the Saskatchewan Marijuana Party for help in ensuring his freedom of speech is protected and that this situation is not left unresolved.