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SKMP Convention a Success
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Monday, 15 January 2021

SKMP Convention a Success

Jan' 14, 2007 : For Immediate Release

Saskatoon, SK – This past Saturday saw the Saskatchewan Marijuana Party holds its first convention.  With several members from around Saskatchewan in attendance, convention organizers felt that the event was a resounding success.  Members attended from all corners of Saskatchewan.

Nathan Holowaty's leadership was challenged and reaffirmed handily by the membership.  IHolowaty thanked the membership and protested the ill treatment of what he called an unprotected minority.  "As we look forward, we have a seemingly impossible task ahead of us.  We must not only protect the many thousands of marijuana users in Saskatchewan, we must also seek to protect all of our friends and neighbours from the evils that cannabis prohibitions brings to our schools and our communities" said Holowaty.

While not limiting itself to marijuana prohibition, discussion at the convention was clearly focussed on the issue.  Members voted in favour of a resolution condemning the provincial NDP leadership for failing to act on a pro marijuana resolution passed during their 2006 convention.  While the party membership did vote in favour of a resolution calling on the party to keep policy focussed on marijuana prohibition, this did not stop them from passing other motions expressing support for things ranging from a Saskatoon man's custody fight to instituting "clean elections" in Saskatchewan.

Other important milestones for the party included ratifying its constitution and electing the executive council.  "We have seen the membership ensure that the party is equipped with the tools needed to fight an election." said Ethan Erkiletian the party's new President.  Discussion was at times electric as the membership ensured that the SKMP would not find itself without a working constitution.

"This has been a great success" said Holowaty.  "The SKMP truly has taken a significant step into the future."

The Saskatchewan Marijuana Party is a registered provincial political party comprised of those who are supportive of marijuana legal reform and, the protection of those naturally acquired civil liberties afforded to every Canadian citizen through the charter of rights and freedoms and by extension, every resident of Saskatchewan.  For more information on the SKMP, visit their website at www.saskmp.ca.


For More Information:

Ethan Erkiletian, President
Sask. Marijuana Party
(306) 260-2952
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Nathan Holowaty, Leader
Sask. Marijuana Party
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